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The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View exude the ultimate hypocrisy in that they decry when others pass judgement on them despite that being the entire premise of their day jobs. Thursday’s show was an example of this as they collectively mocked and picked apart the marriage of former President and First Lady, Donald and Melania Trump, with at least one co-host openly noting that she didn’t want anyone examining her marriage but proceeding to examine theirs any way.

Instead of taking the opportunity to hype Vice President Kamala Harris’s gooey interview with MSNBC from the previous evening, they wanted to target the former First Lady for saying nice things about her husband during a Fox News interview from the same night.

After playing heavily edited soundbites of Melania saying how she enjoyed Donald’s sense of humor and his DJ ability, Joy Behar, who’s on her second marriage, mocked: “That thing needs a laugh track. It needs a laugh track.”

It’s unclear if “that thing” she was referring to was Melania or the montage.

Behar also claimed Melania “turned the Rose Garden into a cemetery;” seemingly ignorant that the First Lady had recreated the first Rose Garden.

“I have to say, I was surprised when she mentioned his sense of humor,” chimed in chronically alone moderator Whoopi Goldberg. “But I’m going to leave that alone and ask y’all the question.”

Answering Goldberg’s question about if the candidates’ spouses would have an impact in the election, staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) touted the work Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband was doing:

I think when you hear Doug Emhoff, the vice president’s, you know, husband speak about their relationship, I think it’s very touching. He is behind her 100 percent. He’s very loving. He spoke at the DNC and I think he described a person that people wanted to know more about in person.

“I’m reluctant to comment on other people’s marriages because I don’t want anybody to comment on mine,” she proclaimed before proceeding to comment on the Trumps. According to her, they were a couple of horrible peas in a horrible pod (Click “expand”):

But they’ve been married 19 years and, in my experience, people that have been married that long are not necessarily polar opposites. Right? They have a lot of commonality so I think these two are simpatico. I remember that when Joy interviewed Melania on her show in 2011, she backed her husband’s birther claims.


She did that even though she isn’t — wasn’t originally a citizen of this country. She came up with the defense of the locker room talk, remember that? She infamously wore that coat “Who cares…”


And then she said, “who gives a blank about Christmas stuff and decoration?” So, these two are like similar people.

Speaking of possibly unhealthy relationships, Hostin has recounted multiple time on show about a terrifying incident she carried out against her then-boyfriend/now-husband. In this incident, they were in an argument over the phone and he hung up on her, she then went to his house and let herself in, she stole all the phones in his house, then threw them on the highway to be run over by traffic.

Faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin suggested that one of the reasons Melania was speaking nicely about her husband was to make up for a failure to pick a female running mate. “I think his biggest strategic regret will be not picking a female running mate who could maybe to soften him with women,” she said.

She followed up by insisting that women a monolithic voting bloc. “I think we talk about female voters only in the context of they care about reproductive rights. That’s absolutely the case,” she said.

Farah Griffin had once proclaimed on the show that she could forgive her husband for having a drunken one-night stand with a woman as long as he didn’t catch feelings.

Near the end of the segment, Behar invoked the founder of The View, Barbara Walters and touted how if she had interviewed Melania, she would have intentionally made her feel uncomfortable about her marriage:

I just want to say something. Yesterday – Yesterday was Barbara Walters’ birthday, I believe. And when I was watching this I thought: if Barbara were here today, she would have said to her, ‘Melania, your husband had sex with a porn star while you were home with a baby. How do you feel about that?’ That’s what Barbara would have done!

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
September 26, 2024
11:03:19 a.m. Eastern


MELANIA TRUMP: He likes to be the DJ and its very fun night when he does that.

[Cuts back to live]


JOY BEHAR: That thing needs a laugh track. It needs a laugh track.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: I have to say, I was surprised when she mentioned his sense of humor.


But I’m going to leave that alone and ask y’all the question. Will the candidate’s spouse getting involved like she just did —

BEHAR: What?

GOLDBERG: That’s what it says. [Points to the teleprompter]


That’s what it says and, you know, this is my job, so I’m reading it. As I said, as she just did, will it make a difference here?


SUNNY HOSTIN: I think when you hear Doug Emhoff, the vice president’s, you know, husband speak about their relationship, I think it’s very touching. He is behind her 100 percent. He’s very loving. He spoke at the DNC and I think he described a person that people wanted to know more about in person.

I’m reluctant to comment on other people’s marriages because I don’t want anybody to comment on mine. But they’ve been married 19 years and, in my experience, people that have been married that long are not necessarily polar opposites. Right? They have a lot of commonality so I think these two are simpatico. I remember that when Joy interviewed Melania on her show in 2011, she backed her husband’s birther claims.

BEHAR: That’s right.

SARA HAINES: Really? That was on your show?

HOSTIN: That was on her show. She questioned Barack Obama’s citizenship —

BEHAR: A show they took away from me! Go ahead. [Laughter]


GOLDBERG: At least you weren’t fired.

BEHAR: So, I’m not bitter. That’s fine.


HOSTIN: She did that even though she isn’t — wasn’t originally a citizen of this country. She came up with the defense of the locker room talk, remember that? She infamously wore that coat “Who cares” and she even said –

GOLDBERG: I think that was homage to Joy. “So, what? Who cares?”

BEHAR: A version of that.

HOSTIN: “I really don’t care, do you?” And then she said, “who gives a blank about Christmas stuff and decoration?” So, these two are like similar people.

BEHAR: She turned the Rose Garden – She turned the Rose Garden into a cemetery! Did you see that?

HOSTIN: She did.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: So, I think we’re hearing from her for two reasons. Yes, she has a book but also Donald Trump has an issue with women. You don’t want to have an issue with half the country. But that’s something he’s struggling with. If he loses this election, I think his biggest strategic regret will be not picking a female running mate who could maybe to soften him with women. But here’s  —


FARAH GRIFFIN: — something I think about a lot is – I think we talk about female voters only in the context of they care about reproductive rights. That’s absolutely the case, but I think character is big, and this is where he struggles.

First, saying – dismissing his language as, you know, the tweets or whatever. I think you’ve said this, Sara. People have kids. Moms who are home with kids don’t want to have to defend why the president of the United States said or did some of the things Donald Trump did. I think that’s one of the most – the biggest issues that have him struggling with women.

But, I also hear constantly from voters: ‘I can’t stand the guy. I think he’s a jerk but I felt like I was doing better under him.’ This is where Kamala Harris has an opportunity –

BEHAR: You do, feel that way?


HOSTIN: She hears that.

BEHAR: Got a little mixed up there.

FARAH GRIFFIN: Like, admitting they openly dislike him. Where Kamala Harris can make some ground is if she can pitch an economic message that convinces people they’re going to be better off under her, that’s the way to win votes –



11:07:51 a.m. Eastern

BEHAR: I just want to say something. Yesterday – Yesterday was Barbara Walters’ birthday, I believe. And when I was watching this I thought: if Barbara were here today, she would have said to her, ‘Melania, your husband had sex with a porn star while you were home with a baby. How do you feel about that?’ That’s what Barbara would have done!
