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America First Report

Vinod Khosla, legendary Silicon Valley investor and entrepreneur, has predicted that AI will replace the majority of work in most jobs, necessitating the implementation of universal basic income (UBI) to prevent economic instability and inequity.

Fortune reports that in a recent blog post, Vinod Khosla, the billionaire co-founder of Sun Microsystems and early investor in companies like Netscape, Amazon, and Google, shared his insights on the disruptive potential of AI. Khosla estimates that AI could handle 80 percent of the work in 80 percent of all jobs, including roles in healthcare, sales, agriculture, engineering, and manufacturing.

Khosla warns that the widespread adoption of AI could lead to an “economic dystopia” characterized by concentrated wealth at the top and devalued intellectual and physical labor, resulting in mass unemployment globally. To mitigate these risks, he advocates for the implementation of universal basic income (UBI) as a solution.

“AI could create a world where a small elite thrives while the rest face economic instability, especially in a democracy that drifts without strong policy,” Khosla wrote. He emphasizes the vital role of government regulation in managing the impact of AI, ensuring equitable wealth distribution, and maintaining social welfare.

Despite the potential challenges, Khosla remains optimistic about the benefits of AI if used responsibly. He suggests that AI could generate sufficient wealth to improve everyone’s well-being and even usher in a three-day workweek within the next decade. For those who remain employed, AI could eliminate tedious and repetitive tasks, allowing people to focus on more fulfilling work.

Khosla envisions a future where the majority of work is handled by AI and robots, with humans providing the remaining 20 percent of work they may need or want. This shift could redefine the meaning of being human, freeing people from the drudgery of unfulfilling jobs and allowing them to pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and engage in activities that promote personal growth and happiness — the typical rosy utopian future offered by everyone from communists to anarcho-capitalists. […]

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Controlling Protein Is One of the Globalists’ Primary Goals

Between the globalists, corporate interests, and our own government, the food supply is being targeted from multiple angles. It isn’t just silly regulations and misguided subsidies driving natural foods away. Bird flu, sabotaged food processing plants, mysterious deaths of entire cattle herds, arson attacks, and an incessant push to make climate change the primary consideration for all things are combining for a perfect storm to exacerbate the ongoing food crisis.

The primary target is protein. Specifically, they’re going after beef as the environmental boogeyman. They want us eating vegetable-based proteins, lab-grown meat, or even bugs instead of anything that walked the pastures of America. This is why we launched a long-term storage prepper beef company that provides high-quality food that’s shelf-stable for up to 25-years.

At Prepper All-Naturals, we believe Americans should be eating real food today and into the future regardless of what the powers-that-be demand of us. We will never use lab-grown beef. We will never allow our cattle to be injected with mRNA vaccines. We will never bow to the draconian diktats of the climate change cult.

Visit Prepper All-Naturals and use promo code “veterans25” to get 25% off plus free shipping on Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and other high-quality cuts of beef. It’s cooked sous vide, then freeze dried and packaged with no other ingredients, just beef. Stock up for the long haul today.

America First Report