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To make America great again, we must also make the people healthy again. However, the powers that be don’t care about the obesity crisis nor the fact that “more than 40% of school-aged children and adolescents have at least one chronic health condition,” per the CDC.

Robert Redfieldwas the former director of the CDC during the start of the Panny D. He was replaced by Rochelle Walensky, likely for not being as radical as the bureaucracy demanded.

In 2020, he said, “Probably one of our greatest casualties of the pandemic this year was the impact on the business community, and on just general health care, the impact on our children’s education.” However, the left couldn’t be bothered to care about that, as political science takes precedence over actual science.

So while he flirted with saying the right thing then he is at least making sense now, as he has endorsed Trump in hopes this will make America’s children healthy again.

Per his Newsweek Op Ed:

In 2019, the Trump Administration set a course to address chronic disease, funding earlier interventions to curb the growing crisis. Five years later, this issue is exactly where it needs to be: at the center of the presidential debate, now in a unique partnership.

To heal our children, a president must see the possible and lead our nation to act. After more than 40 years in the public health arena, it might surprise some of my colleagues to know I think President Trump chose the right man for the job: Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Talk of healthcare reform often centers on cost to consumers. We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country’s $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation. We’re paying too much for chronic disease, and this must change. It’s time to make America healthy again.

According to RFK Jr, Redfieldtold him that he “got everything right,” which is a blow to the one claiming Trump handled the Panny D poorly.

If you think about it, Trump did everything the left wanted and more than they could ever dream of. He closed flights from China but then the left claimed that was racist. He had testing on every corner; gave them the Fauci ouchie; handed out stimulus checks and did so much more. Although I don’t agree with a lot of how Trump handled the Panny D, the left could never do all that but they still complain as if he created COVID in a Wuhan lab.

And as much as the left would love to have another Panny D, that’s not really the point here. The reality is that we must make America healthy again but the Dems could care less.

Redfield continues:

For instance, obesity in American children has increased dramatically since John F. Kennedy’s presidency, from around 4 percent in the 1960s to almost 20 percent in 2024. The causes of childhood obesity are complex, but a primary origin is clearly the modern American diet of highly processed foods.

But our food problem goes well beyond obesity: Pesticides are proven risk factors for neurodevelopmental outcomes in kids, causing maladies like ADHD. If the next president prioritizes the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to identify which exposures are contributing to the spike in chronic disease in children, we will finally find out and end what is slowly destroying our children.

These are things the left could care less about, as the pharmaceutical industry out-lobbies all major industries. In order for the Dems to pretend to care they would have to speak out against donor interest and that’s not what the left is about. So while Kamala and her regime claim they are all in it to help the little guy in Middle America, she’s a mindless puppet for the powers that be, no matter the consequences on the health of America’s children.

Kennedy is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture. A large portion of the FDA’s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs NIH licenses to pharma. And as the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), I know the agency can be influenced by special interest groups.

I am sure you were shocked about this endorsement, as it’s definitely a ‘holy macaroni’ moment. What’s incredible about the MAGA movement is that making America great again brings so many causes together, whereas people from all walks of life have something worth fighting for. So while you may have disagreed with Redfieldin the past, it’s great that people can come together for one massive cause.

You cannot make America great without making it healthy and the left hates that, especially because it brings people together from all parts of the political spectrum.

So while Kamala has the endorsement of the IRS, which is arguably the worst endorsement one can have, Trump is actually doing things to strengthen America and weaken the bureaucracy and that’s exactly why they hate this movement so much.

That being said, MAHA.