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In yet another stunning case of rules for thee but not for me. Take a look at this! 


Reason number eleventy billion, and one as to why Congresscritters and their dependents should have restrictions on stock trading while in office, in the opinion of this writer, of course.

Say it a bit louder for the folks in the back, Sammy!

The mounting evidence that we live in a multi-tiered justice system has become undeniable. 

Too soon! 

Too Soon! 




While this is good information, the outcome doesn’t change the fact that this looks terrible. The courts wouldn’t care if one of us plebs lost money while acting on this apparent and alleged inside information.

Oh, and thanks for that nightmare fuel! 


One of the most commonly overused and misunderstood phrases is that our representatives are supposed to work for us. While this may have once been true, no matter what the legislative branch passed and the executive branch signed, they still had to come back to ‘We the People’ hat in hand to get the money to fund whatever that project might have been.

The 16th amendment changed all of that, and if you go back and look, the Left, who desperately wanted the progressive income tax back, sold it to the public the same way they do now as a way to level the playing field with the rich.

The truth is that the DC Elites and their cronies became our ruling class ages ago. A few revolutionary figures have tried to change that. Reagan comes to mind, and now Trump does, too. Both were hated by each party in their respective days and considered populists, but each tried or is trying to remind us what it truly means to be Americans and why the world needs us to be strong and stalwart even if it doesn’t want it or realize it.


The decision is yours, dear reader. We can let those who once were supposed to work for us line their pockets and use the government to fuel their wants, needs, and desires, or we can vote for someone who wants to try and return the power to us.

We each have one vote with which to chart our course. Choose wisely.