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Henry Appel is a faceless bureaucrat working in the White House as an advisor at the Intelligence Programs Directorate for the National Security Council. James O’Keefe managed to capture Appel on a hidden camera using an undercover operative posing as Appel’s date. 


“Joe Biden is, like, dead,” he told the date. “He, like, can’t say a sentence … He’s, like, really progressed in his old age,” Appel said. “Everybody recognizes it,” and “I can’t believe it wasn’t a bigger scandal earlier,” he added.

Mr. Appel can be forgiven for living in the White House cocoon. Obviously, it wasn’t a “bigger scandal earlier” because the American media didn’t want it to be a bigger scandal earlier. And therein lies the biggest story of the century.

The list of guilty parties who kept Biden’s dangerous mental condition from the American people is a long one. It wasn’t just Biden’s closest aides. It was White House employees like Appel who never directly interacted with Biden but were aware of how serious his mental decline had become. Democratic congressmen and senators, cabinet members, and the American media are all guilty.

It wasn’t a crime to conceal the truth. But the betrayal of America was no less, and perhaps worst of all, no one will lose their job or suffer any consequences whatsoever for the most dangerous coverup in American history. 

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If Appel knew of Biden’s serious mental deficiencies, you can bet that the Russians, the Chinese, and any other nation wishing to do America harm knew about it. How did those nations take advantage? It wasn’t anything obvious. Knowing that the American president was incapacitated and the government was being run by unelected aides could have emboldened our adversaries to make moves they ordinarily might not have made.



During the date with an undercover journalist, Appel spilled the “tea” on Biden. Appel told a story about how Biden once called his office looking for National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who was not in the office. Biden hung up the phone after saying he would try another line, but “like ten seconds later,” Appel said, “the same phone rang,” and Biden asked for Jake Sullivan again.

In another instance, Biden called the NSC looking for Sullivan again while on a trip abroad. This time, Sullivan wasn’t in the office because he was on the trip with Biden! “I was like ‘No he’s traveling with you. He’s on the same trip that you are,’” said Appel. “That was like a year ago,” he added before predicting that Biden won’t survive more than one more year.

Appel further described that basic english was lost on Biden during official meetings. He once described a new development as “novel,” and Joe Biden, according to Appell, “was like ‘Novel? What do you mean, like a book?’”


Appel is hearing the footsteps of congressional investigators who will be convening committees to investigate who knew of the seriousness of Biden’s decline and refused to do anything about it. This is a serious national security issue that the Democratic Party would just as soon sweep under the rug. After all, they were perfectly ready to foist Biden on the American people for another four years even knowing what many in the White House knew.

“He’ll be dead in a year,” Appel predicted.