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What was I just saying about OutKick picking off Millennials by the day? 

– Jesse F. writes: 

First off, “Hey Joe” is a great Hendrix song. 

I discovered Outkick around 2 months ago. I always would read the daily headlines on Fox News and every so often I would see a small link to Outkick. The articles were funny and informative, so I finally decided to visit the site and that’s where I discovered Screencaps, and I’ve been hooked ever since. 

My name is Jesse and I am a 29-year-old soon to be father (the Mrs is due in Feb2025) and life right now is chaotic. Screencaps and Outkick in general brings daily joy in the mornings. The best is when I actually give an audible chuckle after reading some of the items you guys post. Anyway, it was awesome to read today’s Cap (26Sep) that you guys are 2nd behind Fox News. Can’t wait to be along for the ride and chip in here and now on all things Outkick! 

P.S I also joined the Facebook group – Love it! 


Jesse, I’m completely honored to receive this email. This soon-to-be-father was 12 when I began my Internet career. Back in those days, I might’ve been writing for his father. Now here I am entertaining Jesse as he goes about his life and tries to navigate it as best he can. 

As I told the OutKick staff, it’s messages like this that should keep us fueled and grinding away. We owe it to all of the Jesse clones out there who just want to be entertained, informed and not talked down to. 

Have a conversation with the readers and they will keep coming back. It’s a winning formula. 

Detroit Metro off-site parking lots and are there bodies stuffed in trunks of cars left in the lots? 

For those who weren’t around Thursday, I told the story of the car parked at U.S. Park at Detroit Metro with the license plate “D Nice” that has been sitting in the lot for at least five years. 

– Robert in Florida writes: 

As a 30 year retired LEO from MI now living in the great state of FL, and having had occasion to investigate such a topic, here is my offering:

At what point are the cops allowed to go in to make sure there’s not a dead body in the trunk?

Off-site parking near DTW are privately owned.  Law Enforcement doesn’t have authority to go into those lots unless called by the owner/manager to investigate a possible crime.  

Many vehicles parked in the DTW on site/off site lots are stolen on a regular basis.  Rings of criminals in the Rolmulus/Ecorse area contain workers that let their friends know when high-priced vehicles are being parked for extended trips.


How does the parking lot owner, U.S. Park, go about getting the car off its lot? Are the court systems slow to make rulings on cars that just won’t be moved off a lot?

A lawyer would better answer this one, but I believe that your parking claim ticket releases the owner of any liability for loss or damage, and allows a civil relief for those that don’t pay, similar to towing services.

  1. Are any of you aware of wild criminal stories where drug rings use off-site airport parking lot cars as drop points for drugs? Canoe Kirk and I figured this would be an easy way, before surveillance cameras, for drug rings to drop off shipments. I have to believe cops weren’t running surveillance programs in busy airport parking lots.

Many.  These also include MI “park and rides” off the Interstates.  We have located vehicle swaps (one with drugs, the other with money.  Several dead bodies, etc.  They are all hotbeds for criminal activity.


I knew it! Now I need to collaborate with our resident Hallmark Christmas movie writer Steve B. in Colorado on a script based on airport parking lot cars. I feel like there’s a thriller just waiting to be written based on research developed via our Screencaps law enforcement officers and Steve B.’s screenplay abilities. 

– Cary H. writes: 

Not too well versed on airport off-site parking, but most lots have disclaimers on signs and claim checks regarding towing and such.Maybe they’re just waiting for the big payoff when D B Cooper or Jimmy Hoffa return to claim the vehicle.

Regarding a body in the trunk, unless the car was in a remote area of there lot no one ever goes near, after a week or so (summer time) the odor emanating from the vehicle would have been apparent.  If it’s been there over five years it’s probably mummified.

Also probably would have seen lots of flies in the vicinity.  Worst I ever saw was guy that had been dead in his recliner for about a week.  Could smell him from 10ft away from the house.

Cheers and ponder that and enjoy your lunch!


I’m not sure what field Cary works in, but it sounds like either law enforcement or EMT. I’m going to trust him on the stench of a dead body in a trunk attracting the attention of passengers waiting on a shuttle. 

Now, what if the body was dumped in a trunk in the winter?

Speaking of Hallmark Christmas movies like ‘Checkin’ It Twice’ that was written by OutKick’s own Steve B. in Colorado, they’re starting these movies in a couple of weeks

– Dave C. gives us the heads up: 

Figured I would send this to you so you and the screencaps followers could begin watching the Christmas movies in October. So it’s not just the retailers anymore.

Operation Make Steve B.’s Christmas movie a huge success – AGAIN

Please mark your calendars for October 20 at 12 a.m. That’s when “Checkin’ It Twice” will air on Hallmark. If you were around last year, this column helped make Steve B. in Colorado’s movie one of the most watched Hallmark movies of the season. 

Set your DVRs! 

  Helping the Phillies win a World Series

– Bear writes: 

Hope you are well. 

Bear and the Philly Boys are back again. We always do our best thinking when drinking and crushing edibles. 

As you know, the bye in Playoff Baseball is the kiss of death for most teams. So we have come up with a great solution to that week-long time off and “simulated games” nonsense. 

Here is our idea.

  • Pick the top Phillies minor league players to form one team.
  • Play 3 game series against playoff Phillies
  • If minor league Phillies win a game they each get $25K bonus for each win.
  • If Phillies lose we are done.
  • Sell tickets for $10 and have a $1 hot dog night each game


This is actually a great idea. This would keep the fire lit for these teams that have to sit and wait. 

Airplane etiquette

– Errol writes: 

I know I am late to the party here but wanted to add my thoughts on airplane etiquette. Three general points:

  1. Reclining seats – I agree that about 15% recline is fine for any flights under 4 hours.  Over 4 hours or any redeye flight you need to do what you need to do.
  2. Neck Pillows – I see people boarding flights to Orlando from the Midwest wearing a neck pillow.  This is a lot like the reclining issue.  Act like an adult and sit up for 2-3 hours.
  3. Men, I don’t want to see your feet. I know you are heading for vacation but please don’t wear flip flops on the plane and under no circumstances take them off.  It’s just not right…

See the attached picture for an extreme example.  This guy sitting next to me took off his sandals and tucked them into the seat back pocket.  You can’t make this up.

What’s it like to fly on Con-Air? 

– Anonymous writes: 

I’ve flown on an airline that disabled the seat recline feature on their seats. It’s a Federally funded airline also known as “Con-Air.”

Probably some of the most peaceful flights I’ve had. I laugh now, but it was better than a Spirit airline flight I’ve flown in the past. No screaming babies. Almost everyone is polite to each other. Any unruly passenger gets what they deserve from the US Marshals on the plane in the form of corporal punishment. And they even have meal service – usually a bottle of water and a bologna sandwich and small snack like crackers or chips. 

Also, no waiting to take off. As soon as they close the doors and pull out of the hangar, Con-Air gets first priority for take off no matter how many planes are waiting – express lane to the front of the line! 

Next time you fly, if you see an unmarked white 737 with nothing more than a US flag on the tail fin, that could be Con-Air. I’m sure there’s others who read this who have either been passengers or staff and can confirm all of this. 

‘I’m a Browns fan and we’re not delusional’ 

– Brad S. explains: 

I don’t think Browns fans are delusional, I think we’re eternally optimistic masochists. Let me try to explain:

The Browns have been at it for 25 years in the modern era. 25 years! Are the Browns doing anything to celebrate this magic number? Not as far as I’ve seen. What an opportunity to sell merch! But I digress.

In 25 seasons, we’ve gone to the playoffs less than a handful of times. We had a 0-16 season, but had a parade to commemorate. Bud Light mocked us, so we drank their free beer (?). We’ve seen more starting QBs in 25 seasons than Joey Chestnut has consumed hot dogs, but we wear it like a badge of pride. They once nicknamed the stadium “The Factory of Sadness” and we showed our friends on Google Maps!

But we soldier on. We know there will be occasional bright spots, but more often than not, Browns gonna Browns. Hey, at least we haven’t had to wonder who we would take in the first-round the last few years – because the Browns gave away those picks for the schmuck currently under center! We can’t wait for Nick Chubb to return!

Joe, I met my wife at the very first Browns game in 1999. I will always have a soft spot for this team, because it’s all we got! Sure, the Indians and Cavs have their moments, but Sundays at game time, it’s like Forrest said: “Browns’ games are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get.” Hope for chocolate cream, but don’t be surprised when you get a sardine flavored one.

Driving over the Rockies in late September

– Mike T. and Cindy T. are on the move: 

Took our yearly drive over the beautiful Idaho Rocky Mountains yesterday

Sawtooth range over Redfish Lake

Top of the Rockies, 8700 feet overlooking the Salmon River source

Aspen grove outside Sun valley

Beautiful day in the Rockies!


That’s it for this Friday. If you’re in western North Carolina, stay safe. I’ve been watching the coverage on the Asheville news of the Biltmore Village flooding. Having just been there, it’s wild to see that area being inundated with a river of water. 

OutKick’s SeanJo is in Charlotte where he lives with his family. I’ll check to make sure he’s not flooded out. 

For the rest of you, have a great weekend. I’ll be here in the morning. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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