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Remember when Top Gear proved that Toyotas are virtually indestructible?

Well, now Toyota has traded a reputation built on solid engineering for drag queens at kids camps.

Watch this video exposé, or skip below for the details:

• Toyota sponsored a drag queen program at a summer camp for kids identifying as LGBTQ+.

• Toyota opposes laws that ban sex changes for kids and funds groups who work to make sex changes legal for children and they worked with the [Human Rights Campaign] to oppose these laws.

• Toyota openly supports ‘the equality act’ which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms.

• Toyota funded the [HRC]’s Time To Thrive Summit where they worked with the largest teachers union to push gender ideology into elementary schools.

• Donated to the HRC, the Trevor Project, Dallas Resource Center and Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Workplace Equality Summit — All supporters of child transitions. The Trevor Project features chat rooms where adults have been caught talking to kids about sexual kinks, how to transition, masturbation and more. They also have a quick exit feature to wipe the browser and hide the website from parents.

Yeah, sick stuff.

And there’s more.

• Funded many ‘all ages’ pride events.

• Woke DEI trainings.

• LGBT Chamber of Commerce member.

• Preferential treatment for ‘diverse’ suppliers.

• Hosted LGBTQ+ events at corporate.

• Created custom cars with a trans flag.

• ERG groups divided by race + sexual orientation.

• A total commitment to DEI policies.

• 100/100 CEI score from the HRC for 16 straight years which means that they pay for not only employee transitions but for children of employee’s to transition in states where it’s legal.

Robby Starbuck isn’t bringing this to the light because he’s trying to “Bud Light” these companies (destroy them). He’s trying to save these companies from the radicals in their HR departments.

Considering that 4.4 million people watched this video in less than 24 hours, I’d say Toyota might want to respond in a timely manner.

Let’s hope Toyota repents (yes, that’s the right word) for supporting wokeism.

Let’s cheer them on with a few companies that made the right decision:

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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