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Some folks are not too happy with Matt Walsh’s Am I Racist? film.

Mostly because he’s deceptive and too mean.

This includes Mr. VeggieTales himself.


It is a confused, morally and theologically incoherent stew of nonsense. And it’s coming from exactly the sort of weak, ineffectual, uninspired, utterly useless, limp-wristed, spineless, little mealy mouth empty vessels who have all but destroyed the Christian church in the West.

Tell us how you really feel, Matt!

That damage can best be summarized by the statement from the man on the bottom right of the screen, Pastor Erre, it was enthusiastically cosigned by the other two (Vischer and Skye Jethani). If I wanted to sum up all of the problems that Western Christendom is having, I couldn’t do it better than what that guy just said …

It is a wrongness so wrong that it induces stroke symptoms in those who encounter it …

You can’t engage in the culture war without following the Sermon on the Mount.

There’s clearly a divide in Christendom between those who think “Thou Shalt Be Nice” is the 11th Commandment and those who are willing to mock the priests of Baal, grind their idols into dust, and desecrate their holy places.

I’ll leave ya with a chuckle:

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