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The City of Toronto held a meeting to remove “male” and “female” options on registration forms, and this change must be done “on an emergency basis,” people!

A request was submitted to the city during a meeting for Toronto’s Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Registration and Booking Transformation (RBT) Project.

I think that it’s unacceptable that we see these terms at this day and age, [and] that some things within organizational settings need to be fast-tracked.

So, in general, just wanted to mention and hope that this is moved as promptly as possible internally.

The RBT also wants other terms to be updated, including “other anatomical biological terms, female, male.”

Kathleen Harquail, the manager of business transformation and change management, conducted the meeting and confirmed that these changes will be implemented “immediately.”

Suppose anyone wants to register for programs or book a facility with the city. In that case, they now need to identify as “cis female” or “cis male” rather than the scientific, accurate, truthful labels of male and female.

Other changes the City’s Equity and Human Rights unit recommended included updating terminology like: “woman, man, trans woman, trans man, gender non-binary (including gender-fluid, genderqueer, androgynous), and two-spirit.”

The current system defaults to either female or male, but committee members claim people need more options such as “gender non-conforming,” “intersex,” “transgender,” “FTM (female-to-male),” and “MTF (male-to-female).”

Oh, and my personal favorite: “Blank.”

A city spokesperson told The Toronto Sun that gender information in the new system will now be optional.

I’m sure nothing sketchy can come from not disclosing one’s gender when signing up for city programs… đź« 

All pronouns were chosen after frequent and in-depth consultations with 2SLGBTQ+ communities,’ with the intent ‘to ensure the City is meeting the needs of all Toronto residents, including equity-deserving communities.’

Can Toronto be any more woke?

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