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More price controls, huh? Capping child care costs at $10 a day would lead to the closing of a lot of child care centers. They’d have to make it up in volume to survive financially. TIME Magazine reports that Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna has introduced a bill that would cap the cost at $10 per day.


Nik Popli reports:

As parents across the U.S. juggle work commitments and soaring childcare costs, a California Democrat wants Congress to offer a lifeline to struggling families, and sees a way in which it might actually happen.

On Friday, Rep. Ro Khanna plans to introduce a bill that would cap the cost of childcare at just $10 a day for every family earning under $250,000 annually. If it succeeds, the proposal could establish the U.S. equivalent of Canada’s landmark childcare initiative, known for significantly lowering costs and improving access.

“As a father of young kids, I understand how difficult this is for families,” Khanna says. “Particularly for those who are away from grandparents or uncles or aunts and are working or middle class. But I also think that it is fundamental to giving people a fair shot at the American dream—that the biggest investment we can make is in young children to have a big economic return.”

The American dream of turning your child over to a government-run baby factory where the caregivers apparently work for free.



Try to find a teenager who’ll babysit for your child for two hours for $10. Now make it eight hours a day, every day. For $10.

It sounds like a jobs program for illegal immigrants.


This is such a stupid idea. As everyone has pointed out, this would lead to every daycare going out of business.

Price controls don’t work, dummies.
