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Texas judge threw out prosecutions of Tren de Aragua gang members who crossed border illegally

Earlier this year, a magistrate judge in Texas by the name of Humberto Acosta dismissed all charges against more than 100 members of the notorious Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) who entered the United States illegally, which effectively released them onto the streets of America to wreak the havoc they have been causing in recent weeks.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) let the gang members go after they were arrested on March 21 in the infamous border riot that overwhelmed Texas National Guard soldiers. Gov. Greg Abbott confirmed that the gang members were, in fact, affected at the border blowout in El Paso that month.

The charges against some 211 illegal immigrants in total who were involved in the incident were dropped by Judge Acosta after the El Paso District Attorney’s Office revealed that it was unprepared to proceed with the appropriate detention hearings. ICE then let all these immigrants go free, resulting in many of them now terrorizing American towns and cities with reckless abandon.

(Related: Did you catch our earlier report about how TdA terrorized and took over an entire hotel in El Paso?)

Abbott says Tren de Aragua is a “terrorist organization”

According to Gov. Abbott, TdA is now considered by the state of Texas to be a “terrorist organization.” As such, the gang’s illegal human trafficking activities will be prosecuted with a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence and have their names entered into a new database.

Venezuela has a hand in all this chaos as well since the nation refused to share information with the U.S. about the gang members’ criminal pasts before sending them north to America’s southern border for illegal entry.

Chris Cabrera, the National Border Patrol Council President for the Texas Rio Grande Valley, admitted that identifying TdA gang members is extremely difficult as they bear no recognizable markings or tattoos like the members of other gangs such as MS-13 do.

Media headlines say TdA gang members are taking over entire apartment buildings while armed with rifles. One of them is also the brother of the illegal alien who killed Laken Riley, according to court documents.

Donald Trump brought much of this to the nation’s attention by talking about the growing presence of illegal gang members in U.S. cities. Even left-wing CNN is reporting that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for unleashing this ruthless horde of illegal gang members on America, all thanks to their open borders policies.

In a statement, Gov. Abbott talked about the threat of TdA to Texas and the nation.

“The recent entry and expansion of the vicious Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, is a dangerous and deadly problem facing our state and nation,” he said. “Our top focus is the safety and security of all Texans.”

“To address this looming threat, I have ordered the Texas Department of Public Safety to launch a statewide operation directly targeting Tren de Aragua to deter and disrupt their criminal operation. I am also officially designating Tren de Aragua as a foreign terrorist organization. Our goal is to defend Texas from the growing threat of the gang. We will not let them use Texas as a base of operations to terrorize our citizens. They have a target on their back, and we are going after them. Texas is the wrong state for them to try to do business in.”

DPS Director Steve McCraw, who joined Abbott at a press conference about TdA, added that he sees the gang’s members as “cockroaches” who “multiply quickly” and whose “small intrusions into communities” quickly “become infestations if not aggressively pursued.”

Illegal immigration is destroying the fabric of America town by town, city by city, and state by state. Learn more at InvasionUSA.news.

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